
Anavar Oxandrolone Steroid 101: The Bodybuilder's Guide

Anavar Oxandrolone Steroid 101: The Bodybuilder's Guide

One of the reasons why Anavar’s so popular is because its side effects are very mild, compared to other anabolic steroids. Thus, Anavar is considered a ‘safer’ steroid after decades of trials and research. #3 Suppresses natural testosterone– The trouble with anabolic steroids is that although they provide an added boost of testosterone whilst you’re on them, they also lower your natural testosterone. Although it’s easy for the average gym rat to buy anavar now, it hasn’t always been this way.

An Anavar-only cycle is common among users wary of side effects and is often administered by those who are afraid of taking steroids in general (but opt for Anavar due to its high safety profile). It’s important to note that virilization side effects are rare in women (who use moderate doses of Anavar). And even if they did occur, they aren’t permanent so as soon as you stop taking Anavar; your hormones will balance out and these male characteristics are likely to disappear. So many women use Anavar today, which is why one of its nicknames is – the ‘girl steroid’. This is because no other steroid produces such mild side effects in females. Anavar is an oral steroid, thus some of the drug has to pass through the liver before entering the bloodstream.

Anavar in Bodybuilding and Fitness

The same applies in MMA and other sports, with organizations such as USADA trying to catch out drug users. However, SARMs are not FDA-approved, with the Food and Drug Administration issuing a health warning to those thinking about using them (44), due to safety concerns. He described SARMs’ side effects as the equivalent of taking 50 mg of Anavar per day.

  • We find Anavar kicks in very fast due to its short half-life (nine to ten hours).
  • In addition to its anabolic effects, Anavar has a modest impact on metabolic activity.
  • When taking Anavar it’s important to take the correct measures and cycle off and on correctly to avoid burn out and long term damage to you health.
  • The Anavar cycle will also be shorter (4-6 weeks) compared to the male cycle which may potentially last for up to 16 weeks.
  • Also, a user won’t need to diet as hard or train as intensely due to this extra anabolic support.
  • Anavar is loved by many because, while it does produce remarkable results, the incidence of severe side effects is not characteristic of stronger anabolic steroids.


However, the above adverse effects, although uncommon, are still possible on Anavar (when incorrectly utilized). Anavar will stress your liver as an oral steroid, although it’s known to be less hepatotoxic than other C17-aa steroids. Despite this, it’s still recommended to cap Anavar cycles at eight weeks maximum with a suitable recovery gap before using any other C17-aa again. Despite this, some users will run Anavar for 12 weeks or longer, but that’s entirely at your risk. On the downside, Tren can negatively impact your cardio performance and hamper your fat loss efforts.

Side Effects

The kidneys help to metabolize Anavar, placing less stress on the liver, while long-term studies have shown Andriol to provide no hepatic strain. This is the perfect follow-up cycle to the first Anavar and testosterone cycle listed. Testosterone is the best steroid we have found in terms of risk vs. reward. Shipping typically takes 2–6 days to arrive, depending on your country of residence. UGL sources can cost more or less than this – prices vary considerably across suppliers, and so does the quality.

As previously mentioned, Anavar is a very expensive steroid due to BTG monopolizing the market and driving the price up, costing patients $3.75–$30 per day (depending on the dose required). DHEA is the official medical treatment prescribed to women for low androgen levels. However, if a man utilizes an Anavar-only cycle, taking one of these PCT drugs alone should be more than enough, bringing back endogenous production quickly.

This is often accompanied by enhanced vascularity, and an overall tighter look. Users should research and consult a healthcare professional before trying any alternative supplements to ensure their safety and effectiveness. It is important to research and consult a healthcare professional before trying any alternative supplements to ensure their safety and effectiveness. Anavar and all forms of Oxandrolone is an illegal and prohibited substance in most parts of the world and is also prohibited by all major sporting bodies as a performance-enhancing drug.

Official pharmaceutical companies will not sell any products to the general public. Bodybuilders can buy inexpensive testing kits, enabling them to know if their Anavar is real or not. This is due to a lack of pharmaceutical-grade versions available, thus more reliance on UGL versions. Also, the price of Anavar is very high, tempting sellers to sneakily reduce the content of oxandrolone or remove it entirely. We are aware of more UGL Anavar sold on the black market than any other steroid, due to the fact that few pharmaceutical companies produce it.

In terms of side effects, Turinabol is more hepatotoxic than Anavar, with it being a c-17 alpha-alkylated steroid that passes through the liver. Eastern German athletes in the ’60s and ’70s, who were notorious for taking Tbol, experienced liver problems as a result of regular long-term use. However, we have found Clenbuterol to cause cardiovascular strain, resulting in myocardial injury (40). This is due to stimulation of the CNS, causing increased levels of epinephrine (adrenaline).

One thing to know about DHT is that it is not powerfully anabolic like testosterone is. It is, however, much more androgenic, as its affinity for binding to the androgen receptor is double that of testosterone[1]. Despite this, Stanos Anavar has a very low androgenic and anabolic rating, three to six times more potent than testosterone. If the person’s body fat percentage appears to have increased on Anavar and they haven’t been overeating, then it is almost certainly Dianabol. Equally, a supplement may be used to calm the CNS, making it easier for the person to switch off.


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